Carbon literacy training
Two fantastic days of training hosted by the Better Business Network. My brain is absolutely fizzing, with so many thoughts, notes, links and resources to wade through.
And it was with a really nice cohort of empathetic, intelligent leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs.
If you're a business leader, sole trader or entrepreneur and you're unsure what steps you can take to help mitigate the climate crisis, lack confidence on how to talk about climate change or looking for inspiration on taking a positive action, I'd definitely recommend this course. Lots of useful, science-backed data and information alongside thought-provoking discussion, resources and reflections in a safe, positive online environment.
Interested? Take a look at:
also, calculate your own carbon footprint via WWF's handy online tool:
Other bits and pieces
Did some other stuff, too but WOAH! Need to reflect and digest, and work on the commitments I'll take forward for David Salmon Consulting and outside of work too. Will make space for a considered, long form blog post.