Been a while, so a brief summary to kick start the Weeknotes habit!
Getting back up to speed with purely client focused work (time management, finances and invoicing, planning for 2024/25)
Attended Shrewsbury People, Planet, Pint at The Loopy Shrew
Onboarding with Birmingham Museums Trust - getting stuck into the brief, drafting comms plans and getting input from people across the organisation to shape what will be a strategy and communications plan for internal and external audiences.
And this weeks moment of inspiration following a chat with Sara Wajid on the vision and emerging strategy for Birmingham Museums Trust, I've ordered the books below from my local bookshop. Links to below (because screw Amazon and Waterstones):
Second City: Birmingham and the forging of modern Britain by Richard Vinen
Culture is not an Industry: reclaiming art and culture for the common good by Justin O'Connor